Friday, 24 July 2009

Global Warming

> >
> >
> >15 February 2007
> >Global Warming in a Climate of Ignorance
> >
> >"As for the promised control of nature, it is in rout before nature
> >unleashed."
> >-Jacques Barzun, Science: the glorious entertainment
> >
> >"Next we come to a question that everyone, scientist and non-scientist
> >alike, must have asked at some time. What is man's place in the
> >-Fred Hoyle, The Nature of the Universe
> >
> >Global warming has been deemed a fact. However, the inconvenient truth is
> >that humans are not causing it. Al Gore has been given poor advice. Like
> >Darwin's theory of evolution and Big Bang cosmology, global warming by
> >greenhouse gas emissions has undergone that curious social process in
> >a scientific theory is promoted to a secular myth. When in fact, science
> >ignorant about the source of the heat — the Sun.
> >
> >The really inconvenient truth is that we cannot control Nature. But we
> >begin to learn our true place in the Universe and figure out how to cope
> >rationally with inevitable change. Clearly, reducing air pollution is an
> >admirable goal in itself. But we must not be deluded into thinking it
> >affect climate significantly. The connection between warming and
> >atmospheric
> >pollution is more asserted than demonstrated, while the connection with
> >variations in the Sun has been demonstrated.
> >
> >The Sun is undergoing a power surge
> >
> >Since the late 1970s, three Sun-watching satellites recorded surprising
> >changes in heat, ultraviolet radiation, and solar wind. Dr. Sam Solanski,
> >director of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research,
> >said, "The Sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may
> >be affecting global temperatures. " "The Sun is in a changed state. It is
> >brighter than it was...." Dr. Solanski admitted to not knowing what is
> >causing the Sun to burn brighter. A leading authority, Eugene N. Parker,
> >adds, "...we really do not properly understand the physics of the varying
> >luminosity of the Sun." This highlights the fundamental problem with the
> >global warming verdict from climate experts. It is based on profound
> >ignorance about how the Sun really "ticks" and what forms of energy are
> >input to a planet's climate. For this they can blame astrophysicists.
> >
> >Although the historical climate records tie climate to variations in the
> >Sun's output, the solar variation is considered too small to have much
> >effect on global warming. As John Gribbin wrote in New Scientist,
> >"Statistical evidence links changes in our weather to changing solar
> >activity. But no one has ever come up with a convincing explanation of
> >the link works." "The puzzle is that the overall brightness of the Sun
> >varies by less than 0.1 per cent during the 11-year cycle, too little to
> >explain the observed changes in the weather." Slowly, the consensus has
> >shifted politically in favour of this view.
> >
> >A recent report concedes that there could be more influential effects on
> >the
> >climate, such as cosmic rays causing cloudiness, or ultraviolet radiation
> >affecting the ozone layer. These factors change more markedly during the
> >solar cycle. But are these merely more side effects of solar variability
> >and
> >not the real cause?
> >
> >As for warming caused by mankind's production of so-called "greenhouse
> >gases," Professor Nils-Axel Mörner wrote in a submission to the UK
> >parliament on global warming, "The driving idea is that there is a linear
> >relationship between CO2 increase in the atmosphere and global
> >The fact, however, is that temperature has constantly gone up and down.
> >From
> >1850 to 1970, we see an almost linear relationship with Solar
> >not CO2. For the last 30 years, our data sets are so contaminated by
> >personal interpretations and personal choices that it is almost
> >to sort up the mess in reliable and unreliable data."
> >
> >continued at… http://www.holoscie
> >>
> > php?article= 8gfbewe7>
> > php?article= 8gfbewe7
> >
> >--

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